

At AJP Capital, we are committed to integrating sustainability principles into our investment approach, aligning with the requirements of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the EU Taxonomy. Our dedication to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors is evident throughout our investment decisions, as we strive to create positive impact while delivering value to our investors.

Explore this section to learn more about our sustainability initiatives, responsible investing practices, and our contribution to a more sustainable future.

ESG annual report

Sustainability policy

Website sustainability risk integration

AJP Capital PAI statement

Summary of renumeration

Pre contractural disclosure

Periodic disclosure

PAI impact statement

ESG annual report

At AJP Capital, we are committed to integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into our investment practices. This report provides an overview of our efforts to promote sustainability and responsible investing across our portfolio. By prioritizing ESG factors, we aim to generate long-term value for our investors while contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future. We invite you to explore our initiatives and performance in the following sections.


Sustainability policy

At AJP Capital, we are deeply committed to incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into our alternative investment funds. Our Sustainability Policy serves as a guide for aligning our investments with sustainable and taxonomy-focused practices, ensuring strict compliance with key regulations such as SFDR and the EU Taxonomy Regulation. We prioritize responsible investing by thoroughly considering sustainability risks and potential adverse impacts on ESG factors throughout our investment decision-making process.


AJP Capital is proud to be a dark green fund, emphasizing our dedication to sustainable and socially responsible investment practices. This commitment refers to our current fund, shaping our approach to the assessment, screening, management, and ongoing monitoring of our investments. With this approach, we strive to contribute positively to the environment and society while delivering value to our stakeholders.

Website sustainability risk integration

AJP Capital aligns with EU Regulation SFDR, disclosing its robust integration of sustainability into the investment process. Sustainability risks, potential events impacting ESG factors and affecting investment value, are central to AJP Capital’s approach. Using the double materiality concept, the company assesses risks from both financial and sustainability perspectives. Sustainability factors are evaluated through quantitative and qualitative data, guided by established policies for managing sustainability risks. AJP Capital conducts due diligence on ESG factors before investments and actively monitors these risks throughout the investment holding period.



Article 2 (22) SFDR defines “sustainability risk” as an environmental, social, or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or potential material negative impact on the value of the investment.
Article 2 (24) SFDR defines “sustainability factors” as environmental, social, and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti-corruption, and anti-bribery.

AJP Capital PAI statement

When making investment decisions, the negative impact on sustainability factors has been taken into account.


AJP Capital, in compliance with EU SFDR regulations, discloses its approach to considering and managing principal adverse impacts (PAIs) on sustainability factors. Sustainability risks, as defined by SFDR, encompass ESG events that could have material negative impacts on investment value. AJP Capital, as an alternative investment fund manager, emphasizes its responsible approach, acknowledging the potential negative effects of investment decisions on ESG factors. The focus on environmentally friendly renewable energy technologies aligns with the company’s commitment to sustainability. This statement covers all AJP Capital activities and will be subject to an annual review. AJP Capital aims to transparently communicate its dedication to sustainable investment practices.


AJP Capital monitors and evaluates mandatory PAI indicators in compliance with the delegated SFRD regulation Annex 1.


Summary of renumeration

At AJP Capital, our remuneration policy presently does not integrate sustainability risks into its framework. While our monetary bonus structure comprises fixed and variable components, sustainability factors are not considered in bonus determinations.

Pre contractural disclosure

AJP Capital complies with pre-contractual disclosure requirements outlined in Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 for financial products falling under Article 9, paragraphs 1 to 4a. Our commitment to transparency ensures that prospective investors receive comprehensive and accurate information about the nature and sustainability features of the financial products in accordance with these regulatory mandates.



Periodic disclosure

AJP Capital adheres to the periodic disclosure obligations mandated by Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 for financial products falling under Article 9, paragraphs 1 to 4a. Through systematic and timely periodic disclosures, we ensure that investors receive up-to-date and relevant information regarding the sustainability features and performance of the financial products, aligning with the regulatory stipulations.



PAI impact statement

AJP Capital’s Annual Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Impact Statement, in accordance with regulatory requirements such as Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088, offers a concise yet thorough overview of our commitment to sustainable practices. This statement details the adverse impacts on sustainability factors associated with our financial products and activities throughout the year, aligning with key areas such as environmental, social, and governance considerations. The statement aims to provide stakeholders with valuable insights into our responsible investment approach, promoting transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making.
